A Count of Teleki in Africa
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The protagonist of the novel biographical volume is the world-famous anthropologist Count Géza Teleki (1943–2014). The grandson of Prime Minister Pál Teleki, the senior minister of Géza Teleki and the son of Johanna Mikes Zabola, was born in Cluj-Napoca and grew up in the United States; He studied in Washington and later became a professor at Pennsylvania State University. Jane Goodall has been with the staff in Africa since 1968 and is credited with creating the Sierra Leone National Park. His scientific books have been published in English and French. He moved to Hungary in 2011. The captivating book not only contains the story of Géza Teleki's African years; the author paints a colorful billboard about the historical Teleki family in Transylvania, as well as the everyday life of America in the sixties, while the background of the story is the unknown continent, the land of charm, the most beautiful face of the Earth… Géza Teleki: My life was about Africa, I didn't care with things, now set at once like a sponge, I try to suck in what happened here. And I already understand why my father didn’t want to talk about these, as well as why my mother insisted on them so much. Then I just stared as he said how beautiful everything in his life was. I didn't understand that he could go back to Transylvania among the ruins and walk where everything fell apart, the Romanians were persecuting everyone, trying to wipe out the Hungarians. I did not understand. I understand better today…
publisher | Helikon Publisher |
writer | Hulej Emese |
scope | 284 |
volume unit | oldal |
ISBN | 9789632276175 |
year of publication | 2016 |
binding | hardboard, protective cover |