Chrome Picolinate - 100
Delivery time: 3 - 5 business days
The best utilized and absorbed form of chromium is chromium picolinate. This product also contains the active ingredient in this form. Due to the current state of agricultural culture and dietary habits, the chromium intake of the adult population has decreased by 20-40%, while the uptake of chromium from food is low (less than 3%).
- It is involved in the normal metabolism of macronutrients - i.e. carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
- Because of its beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, diabetics need to pay particular attention to proper intake.
- It helps maintain the body's normal blood sugar levels.
It helps maintain normal blood sugar levels
Chromium Picolinate - essential trace element present in many compounds. It is needed by the human body during carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Due to the current state of agricultural culture and dietary habits, the chromium intake of the adult population has decreased by 20-40%, while its intake from food is low (less than 3%). Foods with a lower fat content (whole grain cereals, potatoes, plums, brewer's yeast, many seeds) tend to contain more chromium than fatty foods.
Chromium Picolinate is the most common formula among dietary supplements. During the production of picolinate, it pairs with an amino acid called tryptophan, allowing the body to absorb it much better. Chromium deficient people may experience agitation, disturbances in their amino acid metabolism, and high levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.
- It is involved in the normal metabolism of macronutrients - i.e. carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
- Because of its beneficial effect on carbohydrate metabolism, diabetics need to pay particular attention to proper intake.
- It helps maintain the body's normal blood sugar levels.
Why are trace elements needed at all?
This is the weakest link theory. It can be any strength in a chain, it will break where there is a weak eye. For nutrition, this applies to the fact that if there are 100 nutrients, the lack of which can affect the functioning of the body, then in vain we eat 99 in sufficient quantities. A complete lack of a single nutrient adversely affects the functioning of the body as if we were not eating half of it.
Let’s just try to take out any vitamins, minerals or trace elements from our diet. Sooner or later, something will not work optimally.
There are either 80 known trace elements and if one disappears completely or the proportions are upset, it is not beneficial in the long run.