Fabulous book for cats
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Do you like cats? They can be world-wandering adventurers, scientists of secrets or dreamy pets, no doubt fascinating creatures. Less into their mysterious world: we offer the color-benefit of cat literature in this gorgeously illustrated volume! What if you're not a cat fan yet? Read this book and you will be! Authors of the volume: János Arany, Ágnes Bálint, István Bella, Judit Berg, Bálint Borsi, J. Gyöngyi Borsos, Charles Perrault, János Csepregi, Sándor Csoóri, István Csukás, Orsolya Ecsédi, Dóra Gimesi, Harold Monro, Erzsi Kertész , János Lackfi, Ervin Lázár, Lewis Carroll, Luis Sepulveda, Nóra Majoros, Szilvia May, Ágnes Mészöly, Krisztina Molnár, Zsigmond Móricz, Aliz Mosonyi, Ágnes Nemes Nagy, Rudyard Kipling, Anna Somfai, Julianna Szabó, Szabó Anna T., TS Eliot, Krisztina Tóth, Emőke Várfalvy, Dániel Varró, Sándor Weöres, Tibor Zalán
publisher | Cerkabella Publishing House |
scope | 224 |
volume unit | oldal |
ISBN | 9786155808593 |
year of publication | 2021 |
binding | threaded, hardcover |
illustrator | Szabó Imola Julianna |
editor | Lovász Andrea (szerk.) |